You know how people talk about the importance of first impressions?
Marketing Madness is the Blue Fish weekly vlog! Each episode, our aim is to bring pure marketing value. During our day to day at Blue Fish, we find that our clients have questions, or don't understand certain things in the marketing and advertising space. So we do our best to address these common questions here.
There is a difference
You know how people talk about the importance of first impressions?
Are you keeping track of your business's information online?
A global pandemic has shaken up our world. What are some ways you can manage to keep your business alive?
Where do you start marketing a small business?
Doing social media right is complex, however we think there are some things everyone can get right.
"Inbound" and "Outbound" don't just refer to phone calls ya know?
What's Your Carrot?
Exploring the relationships of those strange numbers
Can Social Media Ads Help Your Business?
Newsletters are far more than spam.
The Origin Story of the World's Best Marketing Agency
What's here to replace TV in the advertising world?
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