This week we are going to talk about some Facebook basics.

What’s up Fish Fans! My name is Marcus. You’re watching Marketing Madness, the Blue Fish vlog!

I was just on Facebook a bit ago and I posted some Pro Tips that I thought were obvious things that everyone knew but from the response that post got, I realized that they were not so obvious.

So… pro tip #1. Make it easy on people to friend you on Facebook. I can’t count the number of times that someone has asked to connect as friends but they use a group photo as their profile image. I like to know who it is that I am connecting with. So my first tip is for you to please use an image for your profile that is you and only you. Special exceptions are made for your kids. But if you are a female and post a picture of you with your 3 best friends… How are people supposed to figure out which of you is requesting the connect?

Pro tip #2 is to allow for some basic information about you to show publicly. If you are in a sales or marketing role make sure your current workplace is displayed and any other information that might help people remember who you are and where they met you.

Pro tip #3 Remember when I said “If you are in a sales and marketing” well, we are all in a sales and marketing role. You cannot think of Facebook as just a place to hang out. People are looking at your profile and what you are posting. If you are interviewing for a job? They look. If you meet someone at an event? They look. If you comment on a post for a mutual friend? They look. You never know what opportunities might arise out of having this kind of mindset toward social media

Pro tip #4 would be to be careful what you post to social media! There are just some things that you don't need the whole wide world to know. Not that you can’t share your life. But if you know your business audience or future employers are conservative, you probably don't want to post pictures of you and your homies getting hammered on Bourbon Street.

Pro Tip #5 is to be yourself. Don’t try and change who you are to fit what you think people want to see on social. If you put yourself out there in a genuine way, people will respect that. They may not like it, but at least then you know where you stand.

Well, that’s a wrap for this week! I want to thank you for checking in. Make sure to hit that like button. And if you have any questions or comments leave them down below. If you want to talk about how Blue Fish can help you grow your business just send us a message and we’ll get the conversation started.