Got a Facebook Page for your business? You better! The book of Faces is the largest social platform today! How about this for cool facts, the average person is said to open the Facebook App from a Mobile Device 17x’s per day! Sounds crazy.
So I tested it myself. In one day (disclaimer: social media is a part of my job) I opened the app 67 times. That’s an average of 2.79 times an hour for 24 hours When broken down like that is seems likely right?
Taking those staggering stats into account it seems Facebook is the spot to be for businesses. Facebook, when worked correctly, can be an extremely powerful tool.
With countless features that enable business owners and Facebook Account Managers alike to great creative, build their brand and connect with the consumer, however, it is extremely important to have proper strategy in your efforts. If not, you could allocate much time with little ROI.
In this post I will walk you through some best practices that could make a huge impact on your overall ‘social game’.
Check out the tips below to make sure you're creating an engaging page that doesn't fall flat.
1. Properly Setting Up a “Business Account”
It is important to set your Business Page up properly. This can be a common mistake among novice FB users.
Setting up an actual ‘Business Account’ will allow you access to features like the Business Manager, Analytics or known on Facebook as ‘insights’ on your page, Business Messaging, and much more.
When creating a page, make sure to select the proper category. Check out the image below:

2. Add a branded profile pic.
I cannot tell you how important brand consistency is among social platforms and your digital presence in general. Select the same profile photo and cover photo for all platforms (where available). This ensures fans of your brand recognize it immediately.
When choosing a photo, keep in mind that Facebook has a requirement for profile picture dimensions to be 180x180 – The image will still display 160x160 on desktop computers, no worries though.

3. Optimize your descriptions in the profile photos with links!

Depending on your goals, you may want to do like we have in the image above. By adding a link to the Blue Fish Blog, we are able to drive traffic to content that we hope is helpful.
Links are opportunities for interested users to get to know your company better, and the descriptions of your profile and cover photos are a great place to link out.
ProTip: Use UTM Parameters
That way you can track the links to see if they are working to reach your goals.
4. Add a call-to-action (CTA) button to your page.
One of my favorite features that was added in late 2014 was the CTA button. Facebook offers seven pre-made call-to-action buttons.
- Sign Up
- Shop Now
- Contact US
- Book Now
- Use App
- Watch Video
- Play Game
This is a quick way for page owners to drive traffic, or get users to take a desired action.
Check out our CTA button…. We want peeps to signup for our Digital Marketing Course, so we use the “Sign Up Now” button (go ahead, scroll down and click it ... you know you want to).
5. About Section: Be thorough.
The most important section is the ‘About’ section. You will want to create unique copy that sets you apart and highlights your company.

This will help users know exactly what you do. In addition, this will help when people use Facebook to search for companies like yours.
You should also consider populating the ‘Milestones’ section of your ‘About’ tab with noteworthy company milestones --- ie the day and year your company was founded, new hires (linking to profile on website), perhaps big events or announcements etc etc…

6. Post content that matters to your audience.
For the love of all things holy, do not post just to post. There is so much wrong with this practice, I cannot even begin to go down that road. We will have to explore that space in another blog post on ‘Facebook Algorithms.’ For now, lets just say this this NO! NO!
You want people to be engaged in what you share on this Platform. As a business, your ultimate goal is to convert. Whatever that conversion looks like. It could be as simple as a like, a comment, or as big as a sale. However, when crafting your post, always keep your end goal in mind.
Post photos and videos with every post. They are proven to be the most engaging content on the platform.
Optimize your content to fit the culture of the platform. Each social platform has their own set of rules. Understand these rules and follow them. For example right now on FB you can upload a video that is 4 hours long before maxing out your allotted upload bandwidth. On Instagram that limit is only 60 seconds. Lastly, ensure that your content is properly sized for each platform to convey a professional look. Nothing worsts than ill prepared content that will not properly sized. There are many app that are out there that can help you with this task.
Here are a few that I use:

7. Facebook Ads – Use them
Facebook has created the most dynamic ad platform with targeting capabilities that are unmatched to date.
With that said…. Visit this link Take the courses seriously and be a Facebook #rockstar.

The course above will give you the tools to be successful if you follow the best practices recommend and get a little creative.
All in all Facebook has quickly become a beast for business. Enabling the manager to target, promote, and engage FB users like no other platform. There are so many ways to do it wrong. Be smart. Be educated. Be awesome. Use what the Internet gods have given us and be educated and informed. These social platforms are ever changing, at what seems to be the speed of light. Stay up to date and pay attention to small changes. Those changes could cost you money.
We are masters of Facebook Marketing and promotion. I would love to answer any questions you have. In fact, I encourage you to reach out to me via fb messenger any time 24/7. I love to help!
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