This week we are going to cover how to craft a social media giveaway.

What’s up Fish Fans! My name is Marcus. You’re watching Marketing Madness, the Blue Fish vlog!

We’ve been feeling generous around here lately so you might have seen some giveaways going on via our social media along with our ongoing project, Giveaways on Facebook and Instagram are an excellent way to get your name to a new audience and gain more followers. Here’s a few helpful tips to get your giveaway from a thought to completion!

1) Plan objectives and goals.
Before you get started, you are going to want to know your target. Your target can include more followers, email marketing sign-ups, or even something as simple as media coverage via an Instagram picture or Facebook check-in.

2) Create an entry method.
From your target, you are going to want to create a way for people to enter the giveaway. The more simple the process, the more entries. Some easy entry options can be liking and sharing your post, tagging 3 friends, or even signing up for your email newsletter and confirming your entry via comment.

3) Decide how winners will be chosen.
Will you decide the winner by random? An easy way to do this is by collecting all entry names and entering them into a program like

4) Choose an appropriate award.
Sometimes this award comes along in the planning process of choosing your objectives for creating a giveaway. If not, think of something fun or wanted that your company offers. Another great option is to put together baskets from local businesses, or even partner with a sister company to gain even more traction.

Let’s not forget the legal terms that should be added. All you have to do is acknowledge that the promotion isn’t sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram or any other social media used throughout the contest.

Note: Check out Instagram’s Promotion guidelines and make sure to comply with their rules.

5) Promote like crazy.
Get your friends and family to share your giveaway, hang a sign in your office, and don’t be shy to boost your post through your Ad Manager account.

6) Follow up accordingly.
Once you've selected and notified the winner, don't forget to make the announcement publicly.

Ready to Run a Contest? Now that you know everything it takes to run a successful, engaging Instagram contest, go put your knowledge to work for your brand. Not only will you end up engaging and expanding your audience, but you’ll also end up with great new content you can use to inspire future content and contests.

Well, that’s a wrap for this week! I want to thank you for checking in. Make sure to hit that like button. And if you have any questions or comments leave them down below. If you want to talk about how Blue Fish can help you grow your business just send us a message and we’ll get the conversation started!